Define a Modification Revision


This activity is used to create a modification revision. 

A modification can arise as a result of new technology, safety demands and/or quality demands specified by the manufacturer or due to repeated errors and damages. A modification can lead to the generation of a maintenance event that will be executed within a certain time limit on the given serial(s). You can also use a modification to control one-time event types that are to be executed on the selected serial(s).

If the modification leads to changed functionality, serials and serial structures can have different revisions on the documentation during the period of time the modification program is carried out. Therefore, modifications have a close association with revision handling on parts, template structures, serials and serials structures with related documentation.

When a modification is replaced with another the Supersede Rule will take effect. This rule controls the behavior of serials that have been assigned and/or already complied with. The following general rules apply:

It is possible to copy Perform Modification changes (i.e., serial assignment) from one revision of a modification to another, provided that both revisions have the same modification category and there are no references to a different modification. You do this by selecting the Keep Perform Mod Definitions check box. When the new revision is activated the assigned serials will be updated with the relevant changes. Note: The Keep Perform Mod Definitions check box cannot be selected together with the Supersede Rule check box.

If a modification compliance is to be done without performing a full-scale event or work order, you can select the Allow Quick Reporting check box. This will enable you to sign off the modification without performing a full order flow. If the modification originates from an internal change request or change order, you can make reference to the change order.


System Effects


Define Modification

Related Window Descriptions

Define Modification 
Define Modification/Definition 
Modification Program Basic Data/Modification Type

Modification Program Basic Data/Modification Execution Level

Maintenance Program Basic Data/Maint Time Unit


Option 01: 

  1. Open the Define Modification window or the Modifications window.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. Enter an identification code for the modification in the Mod Code field.
  4. Enter a description of the modification in the Description field, and a revision number in the Mod Rev field. 
  5. In the Category field, enter the category of the modification. Valid values are: Optional, Recommended and Mandatory.
  6. In the Assignment Type field, enter the assignment type of the modification. Valid values are: By Revision All Serials, By Serial Range and Documentation.
  7. Enter a value in the Mod Type field by using the List of Values. 
  8. In the Days Forewarning field, enter the number of days before the calculated due date that an event should be created. 
  9. In the Rescission Date field enter the latest date for execution of the modification on all assigned serials.
  10. Optionally, you can enter the date when the modification becomes effective in the Effective Date field. All serials assigned to the modification will be due-calculated based on this date. If a date is not given here, all assigned serials will be due-calculated from the date the modification is activated.
  11. In the Dur. Workshop field, enter the time needed to carry out the modification in the workshop. In the adjoining field, use the List of Values to select a valid time unit.
  12. In the Information field, enter any additional information on the modification. Entering a value in this field is optional. When an event is created for the modification, this information will be transferred to the Mx Event Remark field of the corresponding event record on the maintenance order.
  13. Save the record (F12).

Option 02: 

  1. Open the Define Modification window or the Modifications window.
  2. Query (F3) for the modification for which you want to create a new revision.
  3. Right-click and then click Create New Revision of Modification. The Create New Modification Revision assistant will open.
  4. Enter an identification for the new modification revision in the New Revision field.
  5. In the Information field, enter any additional information on the modification. This could be for instance the purpose for creating a new revision of the modification. When an event is created for the modification, this information will be transferred to the Mx Event Remark field of the corresponding event record on the maintenance order.
  6. Click Next.
  7. The Copy to New Modification Revision assistant step will open.
  8. In this step of the assistant, you can choose the information you want copied to the new modification revision.
  9. Select the Keep Perform Mod Definitions check box if Perform Modification changes (i.e., serial assignment) should be copied to the new revision, provided that the modification category of both the old and new revision are the same.
  10. Select the check boxes found in the Copy Options area that indicate the type of information you want copied. The Parts and Part Revisions check box will be selected by default.
  11. Click Finish.