Define Execution Phase


This activity is used to define execution phases. Execution phases are used to control the sequence of work to be performed.



System Effects


Task Card Basic Data 
Operation Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Task Card Basic Data/Execution Phase
Work Task Basic Data/Execution Phase


  1. Open the Task Card Basic Data window or the Work Task Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Execution Phase window and create a new record (F5).
  3. In the Execution Phase ID field, enter a unique identity for the new execution phase.
  4. In the Execution Phase Description field, enter a description of the execution phase.
  5. Select the Include in Execution Logic Planning check box if this execution phase is to be considered when generating an execution logic structure template.
  6. In the Execution Logic Sorting field, enter the logical sequence in which the phases should be executed. Entering a value in this field is optional. The Include in Execution Logic Planning check box must be selected in order to enter a value in this field.
  7. Save the information (F12).