Condition Based Maintenance Programs

The condition limits describe the conditions that should be monitored for each part revision with limits and recommended monitoring intervals. You can monitor any number of conditions for the components defined as serials. 

The main principle is first to define the conditions that need monitoring. Normal values, warning limits, danger limits, and change (critical) limits between two concurrent measurements are defined. If these limits are exceeded upon measuring, first a warning (yellow card) and then a danger signal (red card) is issued. This generates a maintenance event and you are reminded until the event is done, the state is set back to normal, and a new cycle of measurement is started.

A natural succession in the routines would be:

  1. Supplement possible missing data for condition control (basic data, operation).
  2. Enter limit values for the new condition to follow up.
  3. Enter all measurements via the vehicle.
  4. For dismounted serials, conditions can be entered directly.
  5. After warnings and warning signals, corrective actions are undertaken.
  6. A new cycle of measurements starts at the first measurement after re-establishing.
  7. When in need, a selected condition progress is analyzed for a period or several measurements.

The condition limits on which you measure, are a result of the condition limits stated for the serial's article revision. If you want to remove a condition limit from a serial or add a new one, you must do so from the serial's article revision. This also affects other serials with this revision.

When doing the condition measurement, a maintenance event is generated if the measured value is outside the warning or danger limits. An event is also generated if the change from the last measurement is greater than declared critical change for the condition limit. If the measurement is outside the danger limits or greater than the declared critical change, an information message will appear informing that the vehicle condition of the vehicle has been changed. When you establish a maintenance event, the event code is a combination of the condition measurement's condition category and code (concatenated).

For all the condition measurements, history is generated so you can later analyze the condition measurements and spot possible patterns in the weaknesses of the components.