Scale Recipe Batch Size


This activity is used to scale a recipe from one component. Other components in the recipe will also be recalculated but the weight share for the components will not be changed. It is not possible to scale a recipe from a component which has the Exclude from Calculations check box selected.

Note: A component with the check box Exclude from Calculations will not be effected the recipe is scaled.


This activity requires that a recipe structure alternate is saved.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system recalculates the recipe alternate batch size and the other components will be recalculated from the new quantity for the component from which the recipe will be re-scaled.


Recipe Structure

Related Window Descriptions

Recipe Structures
Recipe Structures/Recipe Structure


  1. Populate or make a selective query to display the parent part.
  2. Right-click on the record for the component from which you want to re-scale the recipe in the Recipe Structure tab, then click Scale Recipe by Component. The Scale Recipe by Component dialog box opens.
  3. The part number for the component from which the recipe should be re-scaled is in the Component Part field. The current values for the Qty Weight UoM and Qty UoM is present in the group box current values.
  4. Enter the new value in either Qty Weight UoM or Qty UoM from which you want the recipe to be re-scaled from. (If you enter the value in one of the fields and tab the other will be calculated).
  5. To approve the new quantities, click OK.