Modify Standard Operation


Use this activity to maintain standard operations. When you change a standard operation, you can choose whether or not to change existing references to the standard operation.

A standard operation may be referenced by one or more routing templates. If you change a standard operation that is referenced in a routing template, you will be presented with a dialog box that contains options for propagating the change. (The dialog box will show you how many routing templates reference the standard operation. To view the details of those routing templates, use the Standard Operation/Where Used - Routing Templates window.) Selecting Update routing templates will update all routing templates with references to the standard operation. If you choose not to propagate the change, the reference will be dropped from the routing template. Once the reference is dropped, changes to the standard operation can no longer be propagated to the routing template. 

A standard operation may be referenced by one or more routing operations. If you change a standard operation that is referenced by a routing operation, you will be presented with a dialog box that contains options for propagating the change. (The dialog box will show you how many routing operations reference the standard operation. To view the details of those routing operations, use the Standard Operation/Where Used - Routings window.) Selecting Update Tentative/Plannable routing operations or Update Buildable routing operations will update all routing operations with references to the standard operation. In order to update buildable routing operations, the update control for the site needs to be Enhanced or Simplified.

If you choose to propagate a standard operation to a routing template, but not to routing alternatives referencing the template, the template will be left in state Changes Pending.  In addition, the standard operation reference on the routing operation will be removed.  Upon propagation of the routing template, the system will view this as a change to reference a standard operation when no standard operation was referenced.  Associated records may thus be lost when the template is propagated. See the activity Propagate Routing Template Changes for more information.

The following combination of activities could result in Duplicate Key errors on work guidelines when Propagating Changes on a routing template:

  1. Use of manual sequencing of work guidelines on standard operations that are referenced on routing template operations.
  2. Update of the standard operation that is propagated to the routing template but not to the routing operation. This removes the reference to the standard operation on the routing operation but not on the routing template. It also puts the routing template in the state of Changes Pending.
  3. Removal of the reference to that standard operation while the routing template is in the state of Changes Pending by update of the operation or its work guidelines.
  4. Propagation of the routing template changes while the operation does not reference any standard operation could result in a Duplicate Key error if a guideline number on one guideline matches the sequence of a different guideline on the same operation on the routing.

This problem can be avoided by:

You can also propagate changes to work guidelines to routing templates and routing operations. If you choose to propagate changes to work guidelines, they will completely replace existing work guidelines. If you choose not to propagate changes guidelines, they will remain as they are on the routing template or routing operation. Note that if you add, delete, or modify work guideline records, the standard operation record is considered changed and the system will prompt you with propagation options.

You can also propagate changes to tools to routing operations. If you choose to propagate changes to tool, they will completely replace existing tool records. If you choose not to propagate changes to tools, they will remain as they are on the routing operation. Note that if you add, delete, or modify work tool records, the standard operation record is considered changed and the system will prompt you with propagation options.


Standard operations must already exist.

System Effects

If the standard operation is referenced in routing template operations or routing operations, when you modify the standard operation (or associated tool or work guidelines), you will be prompted as to how you want to propagate the change.


Standard Operation

Related Window Descriptions

Standard Operation
Routing Template
Manufacturing Standards Basic Data/Work Center Department
Manufacturing Standards Basic Data/Labor Class


  1. Query the existing standard operation.
  2. Modify the values on the standard operation.
  3. Select the method of propagation.