Create Routing using Template Reference


Use this activity to create a routing with the operations needed to manufacture the part by using a routing template as reference.

Note: If you change the routing template, the routing for the part also changes. If you change the routing for the part manually, you lose the reference to the routing template. Only routing templates defined in the site of the routing maybe referenced.


This activity requires that a routing template must have been defined in Routing Template. The part must be defined in Inventory Part with the part type set as manufactured or manufactured recipe. This automatically creates a routing record for the part.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system creates a routing with operations for a part by using a routing template as a reference. The routing contains a reference to the routing template.


Routing Alternates
Routing Template

Related Window Descriptions

Copy/Transfer Rout Templates
Routing Alternates


  1. Display the part(s) for which you want to enter operations, by populating or by making a selective query.
  2. Right-click on the Routings tab header in the Routing window or in the Routing Alternates window and then click Use Routing Template.
  3. Select the Template ID. Click List to select from available routing templates.
  4. Click Reference in the Copy/Reference Template area.
  5. Click OK.
  6. To be able to plan or to use the routing, the alternate status must be changed from Tentative to Plannable or Buildable. Right-click again, then click Plan or Build.
  7. The operations from the routing template are displayed on the Routings tab in the Routings window
  8. The Template ID of the referenced template is displayed in the Referenced Template field on the Routings tab in the Routing window.