Enter Voucher Approvers


This activity is used to enter information related to voucher approvers or approver groups. The specified approvers/approver groups will be used in the voucher approval workflow. The approver/approver group should always be connected to a user ID and an approval combination rule. It is also possible to define a maximum amount the approver/approver group is authorized to approve in accounting currency.

When the approver details are defined for an approver group, any user connected to the approver group can perform the voucher approval. The code string combination and maximum allowed amount for an approver group will be overridden by the instructions given to a user who is connected to the approver group.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

The defined approver/approver group will have the possibility to perform the voucher approval when the voucher type is selected with voucher approval workflow.


Voucher Approvers

Related Window Descriptions

Voucher Approvers


Use the following procedure to define voucher approvers;

  1. Open the Voucher Approvers window.
  2. In the Approver field, enter the identity of the approver or select a value from the List of Values.
  3. If the Approver Group is used for the approval process, enter the approver group in the Approver Group field. You cannot define an approver and approver group in the same row.
  4. Use the List of Values to select the approval combination rules that the approver/approver group belongs to in the Approval Combination Rule field.
  5. Enter the maximum amount in accounting currency that the approver/approver group is allowed to approve in the Max Amount in Acc Curr. field. The amount is not for a particular voucher row but is the total for the voucher. The amount is an absolute amount which will be the total of debit/credit postings of the voucher.
  6. In the Valid From filed enter the beginning date from which the approver/approver group will be effective.
  7. Save the information.