Enter Approver Assigning Rule


This activity is used to automatically assign approvers/approver groups when the voucher is saved in the Awaiting Approval status. Approvers/approver groups will be added to the voucher approval tab in the Voucher Entry window.

The automatic assignment will be done by filtering based on the amount criterion and the voucher type specified in the assigning rule. If the voucher approval should be done by two approvers, Two Approvers Required check box should be selected. When two approvers are selected it is possible to select whether the approval should be done in a chronological order by selecting Sequential Approval check box.

There are three status values for approver assigning rule. When the rule is created and saved, it will have the In Progress status. The rules will be in effect when the rule is set to the Active status. Approver rules that are no longer used will have the Obsolete status, and will not be used in the system.


In order to perform this activity, approvers/approver groups should be defined in the Voucher Approvers window.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, an approver assigning rule will be created in the system, and will automatically assign approvers/approver groups for voucher approval.


Approver Assigning Rule

Related Window Descriptions

Approver Assigning Rule


Use the following procedure to enter an Approver Assigning Rule:

  1. Open the Approver Assigning Rule window.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. Enter an identity for the approver assigning rule in the Assigning Rule field.
  4. Specify a description for the assigning rule in the Description field.
  5. The current status of the rule will be displayed in the Status field.
  6. In the Assigning Criteria, specify the minimum and maximum amount to which the rule should be limited to. The amount specified is the amount in accounting currency.
  7. In the Voucher Type filed enter the voucher type/types for which the rule should be applied to. It is also possible to define multiple voucher types or % sign can be used if the rule should be used to apply for all voucher types marked with Voucher Approval Workflow check box.
  8. Select Two Approvers Required check box if the voucher should be approved by two approvers.
  9. Select Sequential Approval if you want to approval to be done in a chronological order.
  10. In the Approver/Approver Group field, select the approvers/approver groups by using the List of Values.
  11. Save the information.