Create External Voucher


Use this activity to create vouchers using external transactions that are connected to a specific load identity. The vouchers are created in the hold table in IFS/Accounting Rules. Vouchers are created according to the grouping criterion that applies for the Load Type referenced during the load operation.

Transactions that do not pass the Create step are marked with an error code. If all transactions are OK then:

If any transaction has errors then the following applies:

If the Allow Partial Create check box is selected, vouchers can be created even if some of the external transactions in the load have errors. If this check box is not selected, the Create process will be be interrupted as soon as an error occurs.


Before creating vouchers, please perform the following:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the load is marked with the status Created and all the related transactions are marked with status Created. The transactions show the voucher number, voucher type, and voucher date valid for the vouchers created in the hold table. The processing ends with an informational message notifying the user that the Create step has been completed.


External Voucher Load Information

Related Window Descriptions

External Voucher Load Information


Use the following procedure to create vouchers:

  1. Open the External Voucher Load Information window.
  2. Populate the window or query for the required Load ID.
  3. Right-click on the record with the required Load ID and click Create Voucher.
  4. An informational message will be displayed when the create process has finished. Click OK to leave the message box and finish the activity.