Create Job Cost Parameters


It is possible to define Job Cost Parameters in the basic data page Job Cost Parameters in order to define parameter values created in the Rate Agreement, Projects and Work Orders. These parameter values will be used to fetch the relevant rates from and calculate Job Cost. The parameters available in the list of values are 'Resource', 'Report Code', 'Time Type', 'Job Cost Time Type' as well as values from Employee Property Codes and Free Fields.

There is a possibility to setup one parameter as header parameter on the rate agreement to be able to make matches to the agreement as a whole. A number of parameters can also be setup to be shown in the Projects and Work Orders to make it possible to set the default values on the parameters when time is reported on them. All these parameters should ideally be used for prevailing wage cases, to make the matches on for example Location parameter.

A Phase Out Date can be set to restrict adding values to the parameters after a given date. It is important to note that there are some validations in place before setting a phase out date for a selected job cost parameter. They are as follows:

Once the phaseout date is set, the following controls will be in place:

There will not be validations for any existing project /work task transactions with parameters with overlapping dates. However, the there is a validation if the user try to make changes to the parameters at the transactions level parameters values.

It is possible to define maximum 10 parameters.


System Effects