Enter Postings


The Enter Postings activity is used for entering one or more revenue postings equivalent to the net amount. For each invoice entered, a voucher is created that is placed in the hold table pending updating to IFS/Accounting rules. 

This activity is not performed when creating advance invoices. All advance invoice postings are created automatically based on the Posting Control setup.  

If pre-posting has been entered in the Pre-posting tab, a default pre-posted code part appears automatically for each new posting line in the Posting tab. If a project ID has been entered in the General tab, it automatically appears in the Project code part field in the Pre-Posting tab.


Not available.

System Effects

A voucher will be created and placed in the hold table. A Customer Invoice is posted as follows when the transaction is saved:

Note: The postings will be different for an advance invoice. 


Customer Invoice

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Invoice


To enter postings:

  1. In the Postings tab, double click on an empty line and enter one or more revenue postings and amounts. Posting is complete when the Balance field shows zero (0).
  2. Click Save. A voucher number is shown in the Vou. No. field.