Count per Count Report/Aggregated

[About Catch Unit]

[To Handle Inventory]


Use this tab to count stock records aggregated per handling unit or per location. This tab is used when a count report is generated and when you prefer to count on an aggregated level instead of a detailed level.

In the upper pane of the window the aggregated lines are displayed. The outermost handling unit that in full contains lines from the count report is shown by default. If counting should be reported for a sub-level of a handling unit structure it is possible to view all handling units included on the count report using Show All.

In the upper pane of the window if only a part of the handling unit content is included in the count report or the stock record is not attached to a handling unit the records are aggregated per location and does not have a handling unit reference.

In the lower pane of the window the content of the selected aggregated line is displayed. The lower pane has the same functionality as the Details tab.

Activity Diagrams

Handle Counting


Handle Counting Using Count Report
Cancel Count Report Lines
Confirm Counting Results
Handle Shortages
Count without Differences
Count as Does Not Exist