Load Competency Level Template


This activity is used to connect a competency to a competency level template. This is useful in cases where multiple competencies use the same proficiency levels.
Note: If you link a competency to a competency level template, all manually defined levels will be overwritten. All changes performed on the template will be automatically applied to all linked competencies.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, competencies will have their levels of proficiency fetched from a predefined level template. All changes applied to the template afterwards will also affect the connect competencies.



Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open the Competencies window.
  2. In the area on the left of the window, select the competency to which you want to connect a qualification level template. You might need to expand the competency tree in order to find the relevant competency.
  3. In the Qualification Level Template ID field, enter the identifier of a qualification level template which will fill in qualification levels for the certificate.
    Note: If you do this, you will link the competency to a qualification level template. You will overwrite all qualification level settings you have already defined and every change made to the template will be applied to the competency as well.
  4. Save your changes.