Define Urgency Levels


Use this activity to define urgency levels used in several processes, such as work-related problems. When entering data, start with the most urgent level, as the system automatically assigns urgency level rank starting with 1 (the most urgent).

If you want to change urgency levels, right-click anywhere in the table and click Ranking Urgency Level... to open a dialog box designed for that purpose.


There are no prerequisites

System Effects

As a result of this activity, urgency levels will be defined in the system.


Urgency Levels

Related Window Descriptions

Urgency Levels


  1. Open the Urgency Levels window and add a record.
  2. In the Urgency Level field, enter the name of the urgency level. If this is the first level you are adding, it will have the highest Urgency Level Rank, meaning it is the most urgent. Each subsequent level will be less and less urgent.
  3. In the Urgency Level Description field, you can add a short description for the urgency level.
  4. Save your changes.