Define Competency Groups


This activity is used to define competency groups. Competency groups help you employee competencies in a logical, useful manner. Groups are arranged in form of an tree, similarly to windows folders, where one group can hold multiple different groups within.


There are no prerequisites.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a structure of competency groups will be defined in the system.



Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open the Competencies window.
  2. In the area on the left of the window, select the Competencies root folder.
  3. On the Competency Groups tab, add a new record.
  4. In the Competency Group ID field, enter the identifier of the new competency group.
  5. In the Competency Group Name field, enter the name of the competency group.
  6. In the Parent Competency Group ID field, you can enter the identifier of a competency group under which the new group will be placed. The * mark means that the group is connected directly to the root of the structure.
    Note: Alternatively, you can create subgroups by selecting an already defined cpmpetency group, placing your cursor in the Competency Group ID field, and adding a new record. You can also freely move groups by dragging and dropping them in the tree structure.
  7. Once you have defined all relevant competency groups, save your changes.