Register Dangerous Goods General Information


This activity is used to register the general information pertaining to a dangerous substance used in the organization.


In order to perform this activity, dangerous goods types are required to be already defined in the Dangerous Goods Basic Data/Dangerous Goods Type tab.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Dangerous Goods Information

Related Window Descriptions

Dangerous Goods Information


  1. Open the Dangerous Goods Information window.
  2. Query or populate to find the dangerous goods ID already registered.
  3. Go to the Dangerous Goods Information/General tab and create a new record.
  4. Specify the dangerous goods type in the relevant field. Select a value from the list.
  5. Enter the manufacturers information in the relevant fields. You can specify the manufacturer's name, address, contact details for emergency etc.
  6. The Dangerous Goods Classification table will list the various classifications of the substance that should be assessed according to regulations. Enter a value for each classification in the Value field.
  7. Save the information.