Define Historical Consolidation Rates
This activity is used to define historical rates which can be used to
translate selected balance sheet items in the consolidation process.
In order to perform this activity,
- A master company (i.e. a company with the Master Company check box selected in the Company/General
tab) and
- One or more Reporting Entities should exist and
- An account of asset or liability type should be defined to Keep Balances
Separated by Reporting Entity.
System Effects
As a result of this activity, specified balance sheet items will be
translated using an historical rate in the consolidation process.
Historical Consolidation Rates
Related Window Descriptions
Historical Consolidation
To define equity elimination transactions:
- Open the Historical
Consolidation Rates window and
create a new record in the Consolidation Dimension section.
- Enter an ID and description for the combination of consolidation
dimensions the historical rate should apply to.
- Select the relevant planning dimension values used to report the
historical rate balance.
- If the historical rate should be restricted to a specific consolidation
node select the relevant Consolidation Structure and Consolidation Structure
- Save the information.
- Create a new record in the Historical Rates section.
- Enter the period from which the historical rate should be valid.
- Enter the currency code of the node where the historical rate should be
- If relevant enter the period until which the historical rate should be
- In the Amount field enter the reported balance
translated to the node currency using an historical rate.
- In the Reporting Currency Amount field enter the
balance in reporting currency.
- Repeat step 6 to 11 as many times as required.
- Save the iformation.