Create Opening Balances for Planning


This activity is used to create opening balances journals for planning. The opening balances are created based on reported balances or on consolidated balances related to a consolidation structure node.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, opening balance journal is created for the purpose of planning.


Create Opening Balances for Planning

Related Window Descriptions

Create Opening Balances for Planning


To create opening balances for planning:

  1. Open Reporting Period Status window.
  2. Select the required period status and the required reporting entity/entities from Reporting Period Status per Reporting Entity section.
  3. Open Create Opening Balances for Planning dialog via Right Mouse Button option Create Opening Balances for Planning...
  4. Enter a period for Source Period field. The List of Values can be used to select the relevant source period.
  5. Press OK.