Enter Message Defaults


This activity is used to define default settings for various messages received from and sent to the supplier. This includes EDI default settings and settings for order change management and receiving advices.

The general default and price catalog default settings allows you to select automatic delivery notification approval, automatic order confirmation with differences approval, automatic order confirmation without differences approval and automatic price catalog approval, in which incoming EDI messages are automatically approved. You can define an approval user. The user will merely be used as the default approving user when the approval is set to automatic. It is important that the user is allowed to use the site to which the messages will arrive.

Order change management is used to keep the data consistent between the automatically pegged orders (e.g. internal order flow). This function controls whether the changes on incoming order confirmations should in turn update the pegged customer order (within the site). In a situation where the changes made to a customer order are replicated to a purchase order, the function also controls whether a change request should be automatically sent to the supplying site once the purchase order is changed.

A receiving advice is sent to the supplier informing about the arrived and approved quantities, and the receipt dates. This enables suppliers to confirm the deliveries that they have made to us. You can also send supplier self-billing invoices based on a receiving advice.

Use this activity to determine the type of receiving advice that is allowed to be sent to a given supplier. There are two types of receiving advice:

You can setup basic data to be able to send either one or both types of receiving advice to the supplier.

The date on which the AP/AR ledger is closed is to be entered in the Closing Day of Month field. This is used as the default date in the Date Until field of the Receiving Advice window.  Note that to be able to create, print and send receiving advice, IFS/Purchasing must be installed.

Supplier self-billing invoices are of two kinds: RASUPPINV (which uses invoice series RA) and AUTSUPPINV (using invoice series AS). You can use this activity to enable invoicing using invoice type RASUPPINV, which are based on information in receiving advice. For further details refer topic description on Self-Billing of Purchase Orders.

These tasks are to be performed by a systems administrator or equivalent personnel.


System Effects



Related Window Descriptions

Supplier/Purchase/Message Defaults


  1. Open the Supplier window.
  2. In the Identity field, search for the supplier for whom you want to enter the default message settings.  
  3. Click the Purchase tab, and then click the Message Defaults sub-tab.
  4. To automatically approve incoming messages, in the General Defaults area, select Automatically from the list and then select the approval user's ID from the List of Values.
  5. If you are using the EDI/MHS message function and you wish to have automatic approval of price catalogs on all the messages received from the supplier, select the Automatically option from the list in the Price Catalogue Defaults area. Select the approval user's ID from the List of Values.
  6. Under Order Change Management , select the appropriate check box to indicate whether incoming changes should be automatically replicated or whether change requests should be automatically sent if the pegged purchase order is changed.
  7. From the Receiving Advice list select either Arrived Goods or Approved Goods to specify the type of receiving advice that can be sent to the supplier. If you want to be able to send both types of receiving advices, select Arrived and Approved Goods. If want to disable the supplier for receiving advice, select Do Not Use.
  8. Optionally, enter a value in the Closing Day of Month field or select the End of Month check box.
  9. Select the Allow Self-Billing check box to allow the creation of self-billing invoices from the Receiving Advice window.
  10. Save the changes.