Transfer Revenue Recognition Forecast to Business Planning


This activity is used to transfer the content of a revenue recognition forecast to a business plan.


In order to perform this activity, the following should exist:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Revenue Recognition Forecast

Related Window Descriptions

Revenue Recognition Forecast


To transfer a revenue recognition forecast to a business plan:

  1. Open the Revenue Recognition Forecast window and select the forecast which you want to transfer.
  2. Right-click and then click Transfer to Business Plan.
  3. In the Transfer to Business Plan dialog, select the business plan to which the transfer should be done. List of Values can be used and note that the status for the selected business plan must be Open.
  4. Select the planning unit to which the transfer should be done. List of Values can be used and note that the unit status for the selected planning unit must be Open and the approval status must be either Not Approved or Rejected. The valid version of the planning unit is automatically suggested in the field Planning Unit Version but this can be modified to any other version that exists for the planning unit. List of Values can be used.
  5. If the selected business plan requires that all transactions are entered against a specific planning entity, one should be entered in the field Planning Entity. List of Values can be used.
  6. If the selected business plan allows transactions to be entered against a specific planning scenario, one can be entered in the field Planning Scenario. List of Values can be used.
  7. Press <OK>.