Analyze Forecast
Use this activity to analyze amounts in the revenue recognition forecast. You
can graphically analyze accumulated amounts and period amounts. It is also
possible to modify estimated revenue and costs to see the impact on recognized
amounts of projects having Revenue Recognition Method POC Income
First or POC Revenue First. You can also modify POC and accumulated simulated cost to see the
impact on recognized amounts. For projects having Revenue Recognition Method
Event Based, analysis can be carried out by modifying accumulated recognized
cost and revenue.
It is also possible to analyze all revenue recognition forecasts connected to
a particular project.
- Revenue recognition forecast need to be created.
- POC and the accumulated simulated cost must be updated in order to
calculate recognized amounts for projects having Revenue Recognition Method POC Income
First or POC Revenue First.
- POC, estimated revenue and estimated cost of each event for required
accounting periods must be updated in order to calculate recognized amounts
for projects having Revenue Recognition Method Event Based.
System Effects
- Recognized amounts will be changed according to the POC and accumulated
simulated cost you update in the revenue recognition forecast for projects
having Revenue Recognition Method POC Income
First or POC Revenue First.
- Recognized amounts will be changed in the forecast line when event level
information is updated for projects having Revenue Recognition Method
Event Based.
- Line chart will be displayed based on the accumulated period amounts.
Recognition Forecast
Related Window Descriptions
Revenue Recognition Forecast
Use the following procedure to analyze data in the Revenue Recognition
Forecast window for projects having Revenue Recognition Method POC Income
First or POC Revenue First:
- Open the Revenue Recognition Forecast window.
- In the Projects tab, enter values in the Estimated Revenue
Modified and Estimated Costs Modified fields to see the impact on
recognized amounts.
- In the Accumulated Amounts tab, modify POC and the
Simulated Cost Accumulated to see the impact on recognized amounts.
- In the Period Amounts tab, analyze recognized amounts per each
accounting period (Note: Recognized amount for each accounting period
will be displayed irrespective of the period profile you selected).
- In the Period Amounts tab, select the Amount Type and the Chart
Type to graphically analyze recognized amounts.
Use the following procedure to analyze data in the Revenue Recognition
Forecast window for projects having Revenue Recognition Method Event
- Open the Revenue Recognition Forecast window.
- In the Accumulated Amounts tab, modify estimated revenue,
estimated cost and POC of each event for each accounting period to see the impact on recognized amounts.
- Follow steps 4 & 5.
Use the following procedure to analyze data using the Revenue
Recognition Forecast Project window :
- Open the Project window in the General Ledger and select
the project.
- Right click and then click Revenue Recognition Forecast Project
window. All the forecasts connected to the selected project will be