View/Copy Rows


Use this activity to display and copy the rows in the row template. For each row, some basic information is displayed. You can also display and modify detailed information for each row.


Before displaying the rows, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the rows in a row template are displayed. You can modify/copy the information.


Row Templates

Related Window Descriptions

Row Template



Use the following procedure to view and modify the rows in a row template:

  1. Open Row Template and find the row template. Basic information on the existing row/rows is displayed.
  2. Mark one row and select Operations/View Row. Detailed information on the row is displayed. You can change the values.
  3. Mark one row and select Operations/Copy Row. Default values are displayed in the From Company, From Template, and From Row fields. Enter a new name in the New Row Name field. Save the information.

Note! In Rows you can only display information on existing rows.