Create Column Template


A column template, together with a row template and a report template, defines the contents and the appearance of the report. The column template consists of one or more columns. The column can be a data column, a calculation column, a comparison column, or a text column. There must be at least one data column in a column template, as it is the column that retrieves data from the database. The retrieved data can be general ledger balances, project balances, or budget balances.

In a data column, you define a fixed or relative time interval. A fixed time interval is used for reports that always contain the same periods, e.g., 9901 - 9903. A relative time interval makes the report flexible and does not require you to change the period in the data column at ordering time. When you order a report, you specify a period in the ordering window. Then, the time interval given in the data column will be relative to this period.

In a data column, you can also specify the information you want to retrieve from the data source. This is done via the objects code part, account group, consolidation account, structure, or account type. A selection is defined via operators, e.g., < or >. For each selection, you specify if the information matching the criteria is to be included or excluded.

A calculation column consists of calculations among other existing columns or among existing columns and constants. A comparison column is used for comparing a detailed row with a summary row in order to see the percentage, for example. A column can also be a text column that contains a fixed text, e.g., a percent (%) sign.

For each type of column, there are default values for the layout. These default values can be changed; for example, you can specify if the information is left or right justified in the column. There are also layout functions common to the column template.


Before creating a column template, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, one or several columns can be included in the template. There must be at least one data column in a column template before the column template can be executed in a report template. 


Column Templates

Related Window Descriptions

Column Templates


Use the following procedure to create a new column template:

  1. Open Column Templates.
  2. Use the New function. Default values are displayed in the Date Created, Date Modified, and Owner fields.
  3. Enter the Column Template and Description. The identity of the column template cannot exist in another column template or a row template.
  4. Save the information.

Note! You can also create a column template in Column Template.