Process FMEA Analysis Graph

[About FMEA]

[To FMEA] [To MFG Standard


Use this window to see a chart that shows risk priority numbers (RPN) and their severities for a process FMEA. The chart is divided into quadrants. Causes with the highest RPN and highest severity appear in the upper-right quadrant. Those with the lowest RPN and lowest severity appear in the lower left.

The data for the chart appears in the table to the left. Drag the right edge of the table to make the chart larger or smaller. You can also reveal the chart by clicking View Graph from the right mouse button option.

By default, the chart is divided into quadrants of equal size. The lines dividing the quadrants can be adjusted by choosing Set Region Limit from the right mouse button option and entering new values for Severity and RPN.

Activity Diagrams

Define and maintain FMEA


Analyze FMEA graph