Locate the Correct Transaction Block


This activity is used to locate a correct transaction block in an XML file provided by, e.g., a bank. Usually files provided by banks have a lot of additional information and you need to define the correct set of tags leading to information about transactions. Tags should be written in plain text and separated by the "/" sign. An example of a properly configured transaction path would be:


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a transaction block with all of the transaction data will be located by the application.


Credit Card Mapping

Related Window Descriptions

Credit Card Mapping


  1. Open the Credit Card Mapping window.
  2. Search or populate to find the relevant credit card type.
  3. On the XML tab, enter the proper path to a transaction block. To do so, you can open the XML file and look for relevant transaction data (e.g., with credit card numbers, amounts of currency, currency codes, transaction codes). Then, list the tags leading there.
    An example from default MasterCard XML transaction block identifier:
  4. Save your changes.