Add Expense Options to Travel Request


This activity is used to register additional expense options for the travel request.


In order to perform this activity, a travel request should already be registered for the employee in the Travel Request window.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Travel Request

Related Window Descriptions

Travel Request


  1. Open the Travel Request window.
  2. Search or populate to find the required expense request which is already registered.
  3. Go to the Option ID field and create a new record. Enter an identifier for the expense request option in this field. The default expense rule assigned to the employee will show in the Expense Rule field.
  4. Enter the travel start date and time in the relevant field. You can also specify an end date and time for the travel.
  5. If the ACCSHORTOV property code is enabled for your company, you can use the Accommodation check box to specify if are planning a short overnight trip. In some regions, short overnight trips award different allowances than normal trips.
  6. Save the information.
  7. Go to the Travel Request/Expenses tab and create a new record.
  8. Enter the date of the expense in the Expense Date field. The travel start date will show in this field by default.
  9. In the Expense Type field, specify whether the expense you want to register is a mileage expense, an entertainment expense or a general expense. You can select the appropriate option from the list.
  10. In the Expense Code field, enter an expense code. Select an expense code corresponding to the expense type using the list.
  11. Enter the price and quantity in the relevant fields. The gross amount will be calculated based on the quantity and price.
  12. Save the information.
  13. Repeat the steps to register more expenses.