Enter Export Control Code in Part Catalog


This activity is used to create, modify and view export control codes for each order country. The export control codes are used to connect parts to an export license.


The export control record must have been entered and saved. The export control code must exist.

System Effects

As a result of this activity:



Related Window Descriptions

Part/Export Control
Part/Export Control/Export Control Code


  1. Open the Part window.
  2. Click the Export Control tab.
  3. Click the Export Control Code tab.
  4. Select New (F5).
  5. Enter or select an export control code.
  6. Enter or select an order country.
    Note: If the required country does not appear in the List of Values, you need to add the country on the Export Control Basic Data/Classification Scheme tab.
  7. Select the Dual check box to indicate that a license is required when the top part on the order line requires a license.
  8. Optionally, enter a note, by double-clicking the Note field which will open a text phrase editor that enables the user to view the entire text and, to select predefined phrases as entered in the Document Text Administration/Phrases tab.
  9. Enter a number in the List of Values order to specify the order that the record should appear in a List of Values. A blank or zero makes this record appear top of the List of Values.
  10. If you have proper authorization, right-click and click Approve for use.
  11. Save the changes.