Determine Test Requirements


This activity is used to identify testing requirements which will ensure that the asset is still compliant with the certification requirements of the relevant certification authority. It is a manual process whereby certified maintenance personnel review the contents of the various maintenance activities performed, and then determine the extent of testing required to ensure that the asset can meet its certification requirements.

As part of heavy maintenance activities various critical components and functions can be affected due to:

Often these changes will include functional checks as part of the maintenance activities which may be described fully in the maintenance manual for the asset. However, at times, these functional checks focus on the specific maintenance activity performed and not necessarily on ensuring that a full system/functional capability is ensured.

In most instances, two forms of testing requirements can be identified:

Once the process of identifying the requirements for testing is completed, engineers and planners need to determine how to execute and validate identified requirements. The required steps/process of tests to be performed can be documented and attached to the relevant tasks which could be carried out as validation activities. For more information, refer to the Raise Operational Test Task and Raise Test Requirement activities.


To determine test requirements, maintenance activities requiring special checks, testing procedures or validation to conform with release to service requirements must have been identified.

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This is a manual process.