Add Task Cards to Work Order


This activity is used to add predefined task cards or manual tasks to a work order that has been generated from Fleet and Asset Management. Once an engineer or technician is assigned to start working on a work task, he may discover that additional work is required to complete the maintenance of the vehicle or component. With this activity, you can select from a list of predefined active task cards and connect the required task cards directly to the work order. In addition, you can manually enter tasks to the work order. The predefined task cards and the manually added tasks will be connected to the corresponding maintenance event and maintenance order. All detail information on the predefined task card, i.e., resource requirements, material requirements, sign off requirements, and subtasks will be transferred from Fleet and Asset Management to the work order.


System Effects


Prepare Work Order
Report In Work Order

Work Order Execution Logic

Related Window Descriptions

Add Task Cards to Work Order
Prepare Work Order/Work Tasks
Report In Work Order/Work Tasks
Work Order Execution Logic/Work Tasks


  1. Open the Prepare Work Order, Report In Work Order or the Work Order Execution Logic window.
  2. Query (F3) for a work order created from Fleet and Asset Management.
  3. Click the Work Tasks tab.
  4. Select the desired work task, right-click, and then click Add Task Cards. The Add Task Cards to Work Order dialog box opens.
  5. In the Predefined Task Cards tab, select the Include Task Card check box for the task card you want to add to the work order. It is possible to select this check box for multiple task cards.
  6. To add the predefined task card and/or manual task to a work order based on grouping criteria, select the Use Execution Logic check box. The check box will only be editable if the selected work order was generated from a maintenance order having the Execution Logic Structure distribution type. Note: Manually entered tasks will always be added to the Ungrouped Task Cards ELO as well as the corresponding work order.
  7. To enter a manual task, create a new record in the Manual Tasks tab.
  8. In the Task Card ID field, enter a unique identity for the manual task.
  9. Enter a description for the manual task in the Task Card Description field.
  10. Optionally, you can enter a description of the work to be done, date and time for when the manual task is planned to start and finish, as well as the planned number of hours for executing the manual task.
  11. Once all necessary task cards have been selected and all manual tasks have been added, click OK to close the assistant and complete your action.