Set Customer Currency Code


You can use this activity to set a currency code for a customer connected to the estimate. This is the currency in which the Sales Price/Curr is presented in the deliverables tab.

The customers default order currency is automatically suggested but can be update until a version is processed to Completed, you can either type a different currency or use the list of value


 This activity requires that;

System Effects

A currency code is set for a customer connected to the estimate in which the Sales Price/Curr is presented in the Deliverables tab.



Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open the Estimate window.
  2. Search for the Estimate ID with the customer connected, whom a currency code shall be set for or updated.
  3. Click on the Deliverables tab.
  4. In put the cursor in the Currency field in the header, enter a currency code or use the list of value.
  5. Save.