Confirm Calculation


Use this activity to confirm the calculation for a top item and/or a version. Confirm of a calculation means that the cost, contingency and markup build-up is completed, one or all the items for the selected version. It also means that it is not possible to update the work scope since such changes indirectly influences the cost build-up for all versions. Performing cost related changes for other versions; additional cost, contingency, markups etc is also possible.

Confirm is a manual action which indicates that the cost, contingency and markup build-up is completed for a version. It can be executed for a single or for all top items. You can confirm the version cost calculation for a single top item from the item header via right click option Item Status/Confirm. You can confirm the cost calculations for all top items from either the specific version record in the Version tab or else from the estimate header, then it is for the selected version. This is can be done via the right click option Version Status/Confirm.


This activity requires that an estimate header and a version exists, at least one top item must exist in Calculated statusTo confirm an entire version, then all top items must be in the Calculated status.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the version cost, contingency and markup build-up for one or several items are Confirmed.



Related Window Descriptions

Estimate/Estimate Items


  1. Open the Estimate window.
  2. Search for the Estimate ID that contains the top item/version to be confirmed, or populate the window and click the requested number in the Estimate ID list.
  3. In the tree structure select the item to confirm, secure that the item status is Calculated.

Note: If a version shall be Confirmed then the status must be Calculated for all top items. This action can be executed from either the specific version record in the version tab or else from the estimate header.

  1. From the item header right click and select the option Item Status/Confirm.

Note: To confirm a version right-click either from a specific version record in the Version tab or else from the estimate header select Version Status/Confirm.

  1. The item status is updated to Confirmed.

Note: If a version is confirmed then the version status is updated to Confirmed and the item status for all items are set to Confirmed.