Add Estimate Item


Use this activity to add a new items in the estimate structure. An item added means that the work scope has been extended for a top item included in the estimate, this indirectly also influences the estimate cost, contingency and markup build-up. It is possible to add an item as long as no version of the item is in status Confirmed or Completed.

Estimate items can be of two reference item types, Product and Generic. To add manufactured parts into the estimate then can reference item type Product used. Parts can be existing parts in the system or new parts that are defined within the estimate itself. Reference item type Generic can be used to distinguish and add any additional costs occur in the estimate structure.

Note: An item record can also be created by selecting an item in the tree structure and use of the right-click option Add Item. If it is a new top item that is requested, select the tree structure top object, put the cursor in the item header and press the New button or utilize the right-click option Add Item.


This activity requires that an estimate header exists in status InProgress, PartlyCalculated or Calculated

System Effects

As a result of this activity, an item record is added to the work scope.



Related Window Descriptions

Estimate/Estimate Items
Estimate/Estimate Items/Product


  1. Open the Estimate window.
  2. Query for the estimate id to which an item shall be added, or populate the window and click the requested number in the Estimate ID list.
  3. Click the Item tab.
  4. In the tree structure select the item that shall include the new item to add. Put the cursor in the item header and press New select the relevant item type proceed and enter mandatory data, save. If it is a new top item that is requested then select the tree structure top object and create a new record.

Note: Add of an item record can also be executed by right clicking from the item record, select option Add Item.