
[To Supplier Management]


Use this window to register a new supplier. You can also connect some information to the supplier such as language, country, company, address, contacts, communication methods, and message setup.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: General, Address, Contact, Comm. Method, Message Setup, Invoice, Payment, Purchase, SRM Info

Activity Diagrams

General Supplier Information
BDR for Supply Chain Relations
BDR for Charge/No Charge
BDR for Externally Owned Stock
BDR for Automatic Invoicing
BDR for Purchase Charges/Landed Costs
Enter Purchase Agreement
Enter Blanket Purchase Order
Manage Fixed Supplier Additions
Manage Supplier Discounts


Enter General Supplier Info
Enter Supplier Address Info
Enter Supplier Delivery Tax Information
Define Site to Site Supply Chain Parameters
Define Supplier to Site Supply Chain Parameters
Define Supplier to Customer Supply Chain Parameters
Enter Supplier Contact
Create Business Activity from Supplier Contact
Connect Supplier Contact to Existing Business Activity
Enter Communication Method
Enter Supplier Message Data
Enter Supplier Invoice Info
Enter Supplier Payment Info
Enter Supplier Payment Address
Enter Purchase Address Info
Enter Miscellaneous Supplier Info
Enter General Supplier Purchase Info
Enter Misc Supplier Info
Enter Message Defaults
Enter Supplier Charges
Enter Purchase Groups
Define Multiple Delivery Overheads
Define Tax Calculation Basis
Enter Fixed addition for Supplier
Enter a Discount for Supplier
EnterSupplier Charges
Connect Customer to Supplier
Indicate Use of Automated Invoicing
Enable Use of Supplier as Template
Mark Completion of Registration for Quick Registered Supplier
Change Price Effective Date Parameter
Convert Supplier to Customer
Change Supplier Category