Select Person Groups for Analysis


This activity is used to select whole groups of persons based on various criteria such as their positions, work experience, competencies, education, certificates, and jobs. Selected persons can be later analysed, or their list can be manually modified to add/remove people.


In order to perform this activity, persons need to be registered in the system.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a list of persons will be prepared for analysis.


Aggregate Gap Analysis

Related Window Descriptions

Aggregate Gap Analysis


  1. Open the Aggregate Gap Analysis window.
  2. Search or populate to find the relevant analysis.
  3. Go to the Data Source tab.
  4. On the Competency, Certificate, Education, Work Experience, Organization, Position, Schedule, and Job tabs, you can prepare a selection of persons you want to analyse. Each tab represents a set of people sorted according to a different property (their organization, position, education etc). When you select multiple conditions from a single tab, the amount of selected persons increases (meaning only one of many conditions has to be met). When you select conditions from multiple tabs, the analysis will be performed only persons who meet requirements from all tabs (meaning at least one condition from each tab has to be met).
    Example: Selecting an organization unit loads all persons employed in the organization unit. Selecting a second organization unit will load persons from both organization units. Selecting a position will show only persons employed in one of two organization units who hold the selected position.
    Click Add Selected to add employees assigned to the selected item.
    Click Add Branch to add employees assigned to the selected item branch (valid only for Organizations and Positions tabs).