Select Employees to Compare


Use this activity to select persons, employees, applicants, jobs, or profiles that will be compared to each other.


There are no prerequisites.

System Effects

As a result of this activity a list of persons, employees, applicants, jobs, or profiles will be prepared for comparison.


Qualification Comparison

Related Window Descriptions

Qualification Comparison


  1. Open the Qualification Comparison window.
  2. In the Selection area, select persons, employees, applicants, jobs, or profiles that should be compared by pressing relevant buttons. Each of them will open a dialog box with a list of available items.
    Note: If you prefer, selection can be made directly in the table by adding new records. In the Comparable Item Type field, you can select what type of item you want to add. In the Comparable Item ID you can select the identifier of the item you want to add.
  3. If there are more than 20 qualifications to show (e.g. a job has more than 20 qualifications required), click the Select Qualifications button to select relevant qualifications.
  4. Save your selection.