Manually Select Persons For Analysis


This activity is used to manually select or modify a list of persons who will be analyzed. You can define the entire list manually, or just modify an existing selection by adding or removing specific people.


In order to perform this activity, persons need to be registered in the system.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a list of persons will be prepared for analysis.


Aggregate Gap Analysis

Related Window Descriptions

Aggregate Gap Analysis


  1. Open the Aggregate Gap Analysis window.
  2. Search or populate to find the relevant analysis.
  3. Go to the Data Source tab.
  4. To add a new person, add a new record.
  5. In the Company ID field, enter the company where the person is employed.
  6. In the Employee ID field, enter the ID of employee that is connected to the person. This should fetch the relevant Person ID and all connected qualifications.
  7. If you want to remove people, just delete their records.
  8. Save your changes.