Terminate Employment


This activity is used to terminate employment. Depending on which components are installed this function terminates a number of assignments. In addition, you can update the employee status and assign them to a 'former employee' group. The grouping lets you access the former employee, even if the assignment expired or was removed. You need access to the former employee group to see its employees. The change of employee status (their termination) will be effective only after the date of termination.
Note: This activity can be also used to create a termination template, as actions required to create it are exactly the same. The only difference is that instead of finishing the assistant, you click Create Template after filling in all fields that you want your template to have.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Terminate Employment

Related Window Descriptions

Terminate Employment


  1. Open the Terminate Employment assistant.
  2. In the Select Company area, enter the ID of the company from which you want to terminate employments.
  3. In the Select Template area, you can enter the ID of a template which will cause many of the fields to be already filled in.
  4. In the Select Configuration area, enter the ID of the assistant configuration - this will determine what steps and fields you will see in the assistant as well as what fields are mandatory.
  5. In the Employee Selection Options, select whose employments you want to terminate:
    Note: If you are creating a template, you can enter anything here, as this setting will not be saved in the template.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Based on the selected configuration, you will see a number of steps on the list on the left. The Leaving Information step is mandatory and has to be filled in. Other steps can be optional, depending on selected configuration.
  8. In the Notification Date field, enter when the employee should be notified about the termination of their employment.
  9. In the Employment End Date enter then the employment is to be terminated.
  10. In the Reason for Leaving field, enter the reason for the employment termination.
    Note: Based on the selected reason, a checklist of additional actions that have to be performed might be generated.
  11. In the Former Employee Group field, you can enter the former employee group to which employee should be assigned. After employment ends, only people with access to the group will be able to access employee's records. If you decided to skip this step, go to step 14.
  12. In the Former Employee Valid From field, enter the date from which the employee will be assigned to a former employee group.
  13. In the Former Employee Valid To field, enter the the date until which the employee will be assigned to a former employee group.
  14. Go through the steps where all of the employee assignments will be listed. By default, each assignment will be set to end on the Employment End Date entered in step 9 (with the exception of the Training Participants End Date which is connected to the Notification Date). If you want any assignment to end on a different date, you can modify it.
  15. On the Termination Process step, you can manage lists of actions that will need to be carried out in regards to the employment termination. If you are terminating employment of multiple employees, you can use Previous and Next buttons to navigate between their checklists. Depending on the selected reason for leaving, you can have a checklist already defined.
  16. Go to the Warnings and Errors step to see if there are any problems with employment termination. Warnings can be ignored by selecting the Ignore Warnings check box. Errors, however, need to be fixed before finishing the assistant.