Register Translations for Free Fields and Properties


This activity is used to register translations for property code descriptions. The code you translate may be used as a free field for employees or as a property code for an employee, company or any other context.

This activity will also show how you can translate descriptions of property fields when a property code has multiple property fields.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the translated descriptions will apply instead of the default descriptions when a specific language is used.


Property Field Translation

Related Window Descriptions

Property Field Translation
Property Field Translations


Define translations for property code descriptions;

  1. Open the Property Field Translation window.
  2. Create a new record and enter the property code in the Property Code field. If the property code has multiple fields, it will be indicated by the Multiple Fields check box.
  3. In the Language Code field, specify the language to which the default description of the property code should be translated.
  4. In the Property Description field, specify the translated description.
  5. Save the information.

    Note : If you want a property code to be translated to many languages, repeat the steps and change the language code.

Define translations for multiple fields of property codes;

  1. Open the Property Field Translation window.
  2. Select a property code with multiple property fields that has already been entered with a specific language code.
  3. Right-click and click Details to open the Property Field Translations dialog box. The fields defined for the property code will be listed in the table of the dialog box.
  4. In the Description field enter a translation for each property field.

    Note: In order to translate the property field descriptions, the property code description should already be translated in the Property Field Translation window.