Register Employee Basic Information


Use this activity to maintain basic information about a person. Basic information are things such as name, phisical characteristics, personality traits and various other data listed on the Misc tab.


In order properly display external and internal display names, the  The internal and external display name should have been configured.

In order to upload a photo of an employee, it has to be available from your computer (saved on your hard drive, network location you can access, or a phisical data storage device) 

In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a set of basic information is registered for a person. This information can be later used for analysis purposes.


Employee File/Personal/Basics
Personal File

Related Window Descriptions

Employee File/Personal/Basics
Personal File/General/Basics


Please, refer to the tab descriptions of Basics, Misc, Phisical, and Personality tabs. Note, that a photo can be uploaded only from the Employee File window, on the Summary tab.