Overview Employee Address Information


This activity is used to view address information of employees to whom you have access. You can choose to view information either from all companies to which you have access or from the global company which is in use.

Note: Persons with HR application manager rights can overview address information of all employees regardless of position access.


In order to perform this activity;

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Employee Address Information

Related Window Descriptions

Employee Address Information


  1. Open the Employee Address Information window.
  2. In the User Date field, select the date for which you want to view the information.
  3. Populate or query to find the required employees. The address information valid for the selected user date will show in the table of the window.
  4. If you want to view information from multiple companies, right-click and click Multi-Company Analysis. The Company ID field will be enable in the table of the window.