File a Disciplinary or Grievance Issue


This activity is used to register a disciplinary or grievance case where you can specify details such as for whom the procedure was initiated, incident's time and place of occurrence, incident description, and your comments.


In order to perform the activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a disciplinary or grievance issue will be registered in the system.


Disciplinary and Grievance

Related Window Descriptions

Disciplinary and Grievance


  1. Open the Disciplinary and Grievance Management window and add a new record.
  2. In the Employee ID field, enter the identifier of an employee for whom the disciplinary or grievance procedure has been initiated.
  3. In the Issue Type field, select if you are registering a disciplinary or grievance issue.
  4. In the Date of Occurrence field, enter the date on which the incident took place.
  5. In the Time of Occurrence field, enter the time when the incident took place.
  6. In the Issue Category field, you can enter the category under which the issue falls. You can use a list of values.
  7. In the Sub Issue Category field, you can further categorize the issue if necessary. You can use a list of values.
  8. In the Issue Description field, you can enter a description of the issue.
  9. In the Comments section, you can enter additional comments about the issue.
  10. Save your changes.