Define Checklist


Use this activity to define a checklist of things to do when employee's employment is terminated, e.g., returning a company phone, keys, access cards. The list is connected to a reason for leaving, so that when a reason is selected in the assistant - a specific checklist is be generated.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, when a relevant reason for leaving is selected in the Terminate Employment assistant, a list of things to do in regards to the termination will be generated.


Reasons for Leaving

Related Window Descriptions

Reasons for Leaving


  1. Open the Reasons for Leaving window.
  2. Search or populate to find a reason for leaving that should have a checklist associated with it.
  3. Right-click the reason and click Termination Process Action Configuration. The Termination Process Action Configuration window will open.
  4. Add a new record in the table.
  5. In the Termination Process Action Name field, enter action that you want to add to a checklist.
  6. In the Valid From and Valid To fields, enter a validity period for the action. If a checklist will be generated outside of the period, the action will not appear.
  7. If you want an email to be sent to a person responsible for the action, select the Email Required check box.
    Note: If you select this check box, you will need to define an appropriate mailing event.
  8. In the Responsible Person field, select who will be responsible for the action. Following values are available:
  9. To define when an action is due, fill in 4 following fields
  10. Keep adding actions until the checklist is defined.
  11. Save your changes.