Define Action Template


This activity is used to combine information defined on tabs Issue Category, Sub Issue Category, Action into a template. The template can be used in the Disciplinary and Grievance window to load an entire set of predefined actions that should take place for a certain issue category or sub-category.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, action template will be defined in the system.


Disciplinary and Grievance Management Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Disciplinary and Grievance Management Basic Data, Disciplinary and Grievance Management Basic Data/Action Template


  1. Open the Disciplinary and Grievance Management Basic Data window.
  2. On the Action Template tab, add a new record.
  3. In the Template Name field, enter the name of the action template.
  4. In the Issue Type field, select if the template should be available for Disciplinary or Grievance issues or actions.
  5. In the Issue Category field, enter the category for which the template should be available.
    Note: If you want to created template just for a category, go to step 7.
  6. In the Sub Issue Category field, enter the sub-category for which the template should be available.
  7. In the table, add a new record.
  8. In the Action Order field, define order in which actions should be taken. Actions should be performed from the lowest to the highest number. It is possible to skip some numbers, leaving space for additional actions to be added later.
  9. In the Action field, enter the action which should be automatically suggested when the template is selected.
  10. After defining all relevant actions and templates, save your changes.