Add Action Participants


This activity is used to add Persons who will be involved in actions taken to resolve a disciplinary or grievance issue.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, additional persons will be assigned to an action. They will also have a specific role assigned to them.


Disciplinary and Grievance

Related Window Descriptions

Disciplinary and Grievance


  1. Open the Disciplinary and Grievance Management window.
  2. Search or populate to find a relevant disciplinary or grievance issue.
  3. In the upper table, select the action to which you want to add persons.
  4. In the bottom table, add a new record.
  5. In the Person ID field, enter the identifier of a person who will play a role in resolving the action.
  6. In the Role field, enter a role that the selected person will play.
  7. In the Remarks field, enter any comments about the person or their role.
  8. Save your changes.