Calculate Eco-footprint for All Parts


This activity is used to calculate the eco-footprint (emission) of substances for all parts that belong to a specific site. It is the effective date that controls which revision to base the calculations on, i.e. the revision valid for the entered Effective Date will be used for the calculation. When calculating the emission of substances for all parts, then only Struct Alt * and Rout Alt * are taken in to consideration.


System Effects

The eco-footprint is calculated for all parts of a specific site and the results are saved.


Part Eco-footprint
Calculate Eco-footprint - All Parts

Related Window Descriptions

Part Eco-footprint
Calculate Eco-footprint - All Parts


To perform this activity in the Calculate Eco-footprint - All Parts dialog box, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Calculate Eco-footprint - All Parts dialog box.
  2. In the Site field, click List and select the site for which you want to perform the eco-footprint calculation.
  3. If required define a Product Family, Product Code and/or Part Status in the relevant fields, as parameters for the calculation.
  4. In the Effective Date field, define a date to be used for the selection of the part revisions.
  5. Click OK.

Note: If you wish to automate this activity click Schedule and specify the required parameters.

To perform this activity in the Part Eco-footprint window, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Part Eco-footprint window.
  2. Populate or query for the part number for which you want to perform the eco-footprint calculation.
  3. Right-click and point to Eco-footprint Calculations and then click Calculate Eco-footprint - All Parts.
  4. The Calculate Eco-footprint - All Parts dialog box opens with all the values for the selected part.
  5. If required define a Product Family, Product Code and/or Part Status in the relevant fields, as parameters for the calculation.
  6. In the Effective Date field, define a date to be used for the selection of the part revisions.
  7. Click OK.