View Calculation Results


This activity is used to view and analyze calculated task card and material lists for both interval based maintenance and corrective maintenance. Note: task cards that are defined as duplicates are not considered in the forecast calculation. Reason being that when events are executed on a maintenance order, the same task card is carried out once per serial.

For interval based maintenance, the forecast calculation can be viewed for vehicle and serial parts. The forecast calculation for corrective maintenance can only be viewed for vehicle parts. You can also view the calculated results by selecting the Forecast Result Info right mouse button option from either the Forecast Information window or the Vehicle Parts window. 


A forecast calculation needs to be executed. 

System Effects

You can view the calculated forecast results, and analyze the resource (person group) and material requirements for the budgeted period. 


Forecast Calculation Results

Related Window Descriptions

Forecast Calculation Results
Forecast Information
Operational Budget


Follow this procedure to view the results of your forecast calculation.

  1. Open the Forecast Calculation Results window. 
  2. Query (F3) for the vehicle part for which the calculation was executed.
  3. Click on the relevant tabs to view the results.