Assembly Shop Order Modification Review Completion

Use this activity to specify the state of completion of the modifications relating to the parent part being received. You can identify that the information relating to modifications and repair codes is either complete or incomplete for the parent part being received.


This activity requires the existence of a modification for the part being received on an assembly shop order and at least one repair code for the modification code .

System Effects

As a result of this activity, if all of the information is complete, a repair shop order can be created following on to the assembly shop order being received. Otherwise the repair order cannot be created.


Receive MRO Shop Order

Related Window Descriptions

Review Assembly Shop Order Modifications/Modifications

Review Assembly Shop Order Modifications/Repair Codes


  1. Right-click in the Receive MRO Shop Order window and select Review Modifications
  2. Choose one of the following right mouse button options: Create Repair Codes, Modifications Complete, Repairs Complete, Re-open Modifications, or Re-open Repairs.
  3. The Create Repair Codes right mouse button option is only enabled if both Modifications Complete and Repairs Complete have not been invoked.
  4. A repair order is only created if the Modifications Complete right mouse button option has been invoked, and at least one repair code has been created as a result of invoking the Create Repair Codes right mouse button option.