Create Modification Snapshot


This activity is used to create a snapshot of modifications applicable for the overhaul object at a shop visit. The snapshot will list modifications valid for the structure of the overhaul object, both active and historical modifications. Only the last execution of the modification will be considered, i.e., if several inspections have been performed only the last inspection will be included in the snapshot. The modifications will be sorted based on certain criteria as shown in the following table:

Reporting Category Modification Data
Applied This Visit The modification is included in the current visit scope with one of the following event statuses: Preliminary, Original or Added.
Not Performed This Visit The modification is included in the current visit scope with one of the following event statuses: Removed or Excluded.
Previously Complied With
  • Execution type of last execution = Terminating Action
  • Current compliance status = Complied
  • The modification is not included in the current visit scope
Not Planned This Visit
  • Current compliance status = Not Complied
  • The modification is not included in the current visit scope
  • The modification is not yet performed on the serial

Modification snapshots are revision controlled, and the latest revision is set as the active snapshot. Entering remarks, adding manual entries, and transferring remarks to history can only be done on an active snapshot.

For the initial snapshot revision, any execution remarks entered on the historical modifications will be retrieved to the relevant snapshot entry. For subsequent revisions, remarks will be copied from the previous active revision to the new snapshot revision. If there is a new execution instance of the modification, e.g., another inspection has been performed, the remarks will be copied from history to the relevant entry on the new snapshot revision.


System Effects


Define Work Scope

Related Window Descriptions

Create Snapshot
Define Work Scope/Modification Snapshot
Define Work Scope


  1. Open the Define Work Scope window and search for your overhaul object and/or work order number.
  2. Click the Modification Snapshot tab.
  3. Right-click on the header and click Create Snapshot. The Create Snapshot dialog box opens.
  4. If you are recreating the snapshot and want to delete all non active revisions, select the Delete previous revisions of the snapshot check box.
  5. If the reporting category has been changed for one or more entries on the current snapshot, and these changes are to to be included on the new snapshot, select the Copy manually changed reporting categories check box. For more information, refer the online help file Change Reporting Category.
  6. Click OK to generate the snapshot.