Check On Condition Modifications


Use this activity after the disposition phase of the work scope execution process has been concluded to generate a list of all applicable On Condition modifications which the user may wish to address during execution.

On Condition modifications are of three types: On Exposure, On Repair and On Scrap. On Condition modifications are applicable only when condition is true for the assigned part for the modification. In other words, if the assigned part is detached/dismounted, or repaired or scrapped during overhaul, the On Exposure, On Repair or On Scrap modification respectively is applicable.

On Condition modifications can have one or more affected parts, which can include the assigned part. On Condition modifications are never mandatory, so the customer can decide whether or not they should be included in the work scope. The modification affected serials are defined in the Modification Details/Assign Serials tab. Depending on the customer agreement governing the visit, it may be necessary to secure customer approval before adding the On Condition events to the work scope.

The user must evaluate On Condition modifications at two main points in the MRO process. On Exposure modifications need to be considered when setting maintenance levels during work scope definition. The other types of On Condition modifications are not relevant at that point. The Check On Exposure Modifications activity discusses this scenario in more detail.

During the disassembly and disposition phases of work scope execution the actual parts to be serviced are identified and then flagged for reuse, repair or scrap. It is at this point in the work scope execution process that the Check On Condition Modifications activity is performed. 

Having run the report, the user should evaluate the impact of On Exposure modifications on work scope whenever:

As we mentioned above, On Repair modifications are triggered by the reporting of discrepancies against the modification assigned part during disposition. A repair shop order is created for the assigned part to perform the work associated with fixing the reported discrepancy. This work order can be used to address any relevant On Repair modifications. The user should evaluate the impact of On Repair modifications whenever:

Similarly, On Scrap modifications are triggered when the modification assigned part is scrapped during disposition. This will require:


System Effects



Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly Repair
Maintenance Event Summary

Related Window Descriptions

Modification Details/Assign Serials  
Maintenance Event Summary/Off Log           
Define Work Scope
Shop Visit/Visit Defaults/Modification Baseline
Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly Repair
Reconfigure work Scope
CAMRO Interim Order Structure
CAMRO Interim Order Structure/Tree Structure/Assembly
CAMRO Interim Order Structure/Tree Structure/Supply Orders
MRO Shop Order
MRO Shop Order/Material
MRO Shop Order/Operation
MRO Shop Order/Operation Tools
Define Work Scope/Define Work Scope/Maintenance Level Summary
Define Work Scope/Define Work Scope/Assign Maintenance Level
Define Work Scope/Define Work Scope/Log Details


To print the report from the Maintenance Event Summary window the procedure is:

  1. Open the Maintenance Event Summary window.
  2. Query the event summary record for your MRO Shop Visit work order.
  3. Right-click in the header, then click On Condition Modification - Report.
  4. In the Report Print dialog, select the desired options and click OK to print or Preview to view the report.

To print the report from the Define Work Scope window the procedure is:

  1. Open the Define Work Scope window.
  2. Query your MRO Shop Visit work order.
  3. Right-click in the header, then click On Condition Modification - Report.
  4. In the Report Print dialog, select the desired options and click OK to print or Preview to view the report.

To print the report from the Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly Repair window the procedure is:

  1. Open the Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly repair window.
  2. Query the disposition order associated with your MRO Shop work order.
  3. Right-click in the header, then click On Condition Modification - Report.
  4. In the Report Print dialog, select the desired options and click OK to print or Preview to view the report.

Note that the context of the report is identical regardless of from which window it is executed - the entire work scope associated with the visit. Running the report from the Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly Repair window still shows relevant On Condition modifications for the entire structure, not just the component or piece part being dispositioned.

To add events to Reconfigure Work Scope based on the output of the report, the procedure is:

  1. To add new events to the work scope for the On Condition modifications shown in the report, navigate to the Maintenance Event Summary/Off Log tab. This tab shows the actual parts received during disassembly.
  2. Select the record for the part for which you wish to add events tied to an On Condition modification.
  3. Right-click, then click Reconfigure Work Scope to launch the Reconfigure Work Scope window.
  4. Navigate to the Modification tab and in the Baseline Modifications group select the All Not Complied option.
  5. Select the Include In Work Scope check box for those events records that correspond to the On Condition modification you wish to add to work scope.
  6. Save the record.

There are two procedures by which a user can execute new events added to work scope to address On Condition modifications: modifying an existing repair order or driving changes to maintenance levels through the interim order and supply order structure. The former scenario results from a disposition involving discrepancies where we either need or choose to address On Repair or On Exposure modifications at the level of of the modification assigned part. The latter results from a disposition involving discrepancies when we need or choose to address On Repair or On Exposure modifications on components of the modification assigned part. We will consider each of these in turn below.

To execute added events by modifying an existing repair order, for an assembly or a piece part, the procedure is:

  1. Open the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window and query the interim header ID associated with your MRO Shop Visit.
  2. Navigate to the Tree Structure/Assembly tab. In the tree navigator on the left, select the repair interim order for the part for which you added On Condition modification events.
  3. Navigate to the Supply Order tab on the right. Right-click on the Shop Order supply type record, then click Shop Order.
  4. Navigate to the MRO Shop Order/Material tab and add any consumable material required to perform your On Condition modification events.
  5. Navigate to the MRO Shop Order/Operation tab and add any operations required to perform your On Condition modification events. You can specify operations used to disassemble and assemble into components, repair one or more components and then re-assemble.
  6. Navigate to the MRO Shop Order/Operation Tools tab and add any tools required to perform your On Condition modification events.
  7. Proceed with the execution of the of the repair shop order. 

To execute events by driving changes to an assembly's maintenance levels through the interim order and supply order structure, the procedure is:

  1. Open the Define Work Scope window and navigate to the Work Scope Mx Events tab.
  2. Verify that the new events you added to work scope for the On Condition modifications are shown.
  3. Select these new event records, right-click, then click Approve Maintenance Events.
  4. Navigate to the Define Work Scope/Define Work Scope tab, right-click on the top level part displayed in the tree on the left, then click Expand Descendants.
  5. To adjust the maintenance level settings for your work scope, right-click on the Revision node for the top level part, then click Calculate Suggested Maintenance Level and Apply Baseline. This will wipe out your current maintenance level settings, reapply the Customer Maintenance Level baseline and calculate which maintenance levels will expose the affected parts for your events. 

    Note that you will be able to see the previous maintenance level settings in the Define Work Scope/Define Work Scope/Maintenance Level Summary tab.
  6. Repeat step 4.
  7. Make sure the Assign Maintenance Level tab to the right of the Define Work Scope tab is active.
  8. Navigate to the Define Work Scope/Define Work Scope/Assign Maintenance Level tab. Starting from the bottom lowest sub-assembly in the product structure and working up, specify the maintenance level for each part. Use the information displayed in the two table windows to guide your selection. 

    Note that you will be able to see your previous maintenance level settings in the Define Work Scope/Define Work Scope/ Maintenance Level Summary tab.

    The upper table window shows the maintenance levels defined for the selected sub-assembly. Maintenance levels that expose all component which are modification affected parts have the Will Expose all Affected Parts check box selected. The lower table window displays the component parts of the selected sub-assembly. Those components which are modification affected parts have their Mx Event Connected check box selected. 

    In the upper table window, right-click on the maintenance level you wish to select, then click Set Maintenance Level. Note that the lowest level parts (or leaf parts) in the product structure are not displayed because these parts do not require a maintenance level to be set. Note also that it is not necessary to set a maintenance level for a sub-assembly that does not contain any component parts which have events associated with them.
  9. Right-click in the header of the Define Shop Visit Work Scope window, then click Release Work Scope. If you receive a message that the work scope was not released and errors were created, navigate to the Define Work Scope/Define Work Scope/Log Details tab and review the error messages.
  10. Repeat steps 6-9 until the the work scope is released without errors.
  11. Your new maintenance level settings may have exposed previously unexposed parts which have On Exposure modifications defined. Re-run the On Condition Modification - Report using the steps specified above.
  12. Add any On Exposure modifications to the work scope using the steps specified above.
  13. Repeat steps 1-12 until no additional On Exposure modifications that you wish to include in the work scope are called out by the report.
  14. Right-click in the header of the Define Shop Visit Work Scope window, then click Interim Order Structure. This will launch the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window with the record corresponding to your work scope queried. Verify that any new disassembly, disposition and assembly orders related to the maintenance level changes for On Condition modifications you added to the work scope are present.
  15. Right-click in the header of the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window, then click Release. This will generate the new disassembly, disposition and assembly supply shop orders corresponding to the new interim orders. Any disassembly and disposition shop orders that had been previously processed will be unchanged.
  16. Proceed with the disassembly and disposition of the newly created disassembly and disposition shop orders.
  17. After all the newly created disposition shop order lines have been approved, navigate to either the Maintenance Event Summary or Define Work Scope window and follow the instructions specified above to run the On Condition Modification - Report.
  18. Repeat steps 1-17 until there are no additional events from On Condition modifications to add to your work scope.