Verify Work Scope Events for Shop Visit


This activity is used to verify the modification events and the LLP (Life Limited Part) events included in the work scope, by using the Work Scope Configurator.

To make sure that all the affected parts of the modifications are included in the work scope, the On Condition Modification Report has been introduced. It contains a list of all the parts affected by the current maintenance level, and the modifications that are set to On Exposure in the customer modification baseline. The report can be used only after the maintenance levels have been defined. The report can be started in the Define Work Scope window.  


System Effects


Define Work Scope

Related Window Descriptions

Define Work Scope/Work Scope Mx Events
Define Work Scope/Define Work Scope/Affected Part Mx Events


  1. Check whether all the modifications are correctly entered in the work scope.
  2. Check whether all the affected parts, relating to the modifications, are correctly entered in the work scope.
  3. Check whether all the LLPs are correctly entered in the work scope, also as an affected part to it self.
  4. After the maintenance levels are defined, a report should be generated to see if all the On Exposure modifications are included in the work scope.